Step 3: Virtual Advising & Registration
Virtual Advising & Registration will begin in mid-May. Appointment availability is based on your academic college and major. More information will be available in your NSO Portal.

After completing your New Student Modules, it’s time to get advised and register for classes!
Making Your Appointment
- After completing your New Student Modules through Canvas, you will log back to your Future 49er account and click the New Student Orientation Portal. In that portal you will see that your Virtual Advising & Registration section has opened. Appointments may be group or individual depending on your college.
- Plan ahead to ensure that all requirements are completed prior to your session date. We highly encourage you to complete all requirements at least five (5) business days before your session. However, due to availability, your advising appointment may take place after your in-person session.
- All academic advising and course registration will take place virtually separate from your New Student Orientation session.
Preparing for Your Appointment
- Review the academic modules in your New Student Modules.
- Make sure you’ve submitted any final transcripts, SAT or ACT scores and/or AP/IB scores to Undergraduate Admissions.
- If you are waiting on final transcripts, have your unofficial transcripts or scores available to assist during advising and registration.
- If you are planning to change your major, contact Undergraduate Admissions before scheduling your appointment.
- Complete the online Math Placement Assessment if required for your major prior to your advising appointment. See information below on Math Placement.
Registering for Classes
- After you complete Virtual Advising, you will be able to register for classes.
- Virtual Advising must be completed to lift your Advising Hold.
- More information on registering for classes is included in your New Student Modules.
- You must complete your New Student Modules (Step 2) in order to access Virtual Advising & Registration.
- You must book your appointment for Virtual Advising & Registration before attending New Student Orientation. However, your scheduled appointment may take place after your in-person session.

Math Placement
Math placement levels are assigned to you based on your official SAT or ACT math scores or by completing UNC Charlotte’s Math Placement Assessment/ALEKS.
If you have AP credit or transferable math credit from another institution, you will not be assigned a math placement level but will be permitted to register for the next appropriate math course after your official AP scores or official college transcript is received and added to your credit.
If you have not been assigned a math placement level, do not have transferable math credit or wish to increase your math level, you are required to complete the Math Placement Assessment/ALEKS prior to completing course registration. Learn how to locate your assigned math placement level and view more information about math placement here.
Foreign Language Placement
Click here for more information and guidance on the foreign language placement exam.